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Another bump in the road

Jonty is not a well little fellow today. Last night he developed a very swollen jaw, and was incredibly lethargic and hot. Off to the vet this morning as he wasn’t looking much better, and his eyes were gunky too.

The vet thought the swelling may be from a bite or sting, but when she checked his temperature it was more than 40 degrees Celsius. She decided to treat with antibiotic and antihistamine injections. The injection caused the little lad a lot of pain, and afterwards we could see his fur was wet. A quick squeeze by the vet revealed that the injection had hit an abscess of the little guy’s shoulder. Not sure what’s caused it, just have to bide our time and hope he comes right. And still not a hundred percent sure of what the jaw swelling is either.

So we have had to reschedule the surgery for later in the week, and we have our fingers crossed that he will be feeling better in the next few days. He is still eating, but he is so off colour. I am worried for this poor little mite – he just can’t seem to catch a break.


September 1, 2013.     Category: Uncategorized.   7 Comments.

7 Responses to “Another bump in the road”

  1.   benny55 Says:

    Awwwww poor Jonty! What the heck is going on with you little fella’?

    Sounds like that abcess could be part of the problem… well as a clue to some sort of bite. Bless his heart!

    You were very dilogent to get him into vet’s as quickly as you did! Hopefully this will be sorted out and you can bring him home tonight. Once that temperature goes down he will feel so much better.

    All tripawd paws crossed over here! Post again as soon as you get an update. We’ve got your back Jonty!!

    Huge group healing hug to all! ((((((((((((((((((())HUGS)))))))))))))))))

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  2.   Christine Says:

    awwww Jonty sweetie.. get better soon!!

    I know that sometimes bee stings and bug bites can make their face swell.. our trainer told us we should have benadryl in our first aid kit because of bites and swelling to our doggies face. Most of the time that is where it happens cause those crazy canines want to BITE THAT BEE!!

    Thank goodness you took him to the vet quickly.. and now that you are aware of what is happening, the meds will help his temp go down and he will start to feel better soon!

    it’s good that he is still eating and drinking!!

    Christine….. with Franklin in her heart ♥

  3.   fetchon3 Says:

    Awww, he’s so sweet and deserves better. Luckily you’re there to give him that Better. We’ll be here, waiting to find out how these drugs work for him. Rest up, buddy. Keep on fighting!
    ~ Katy & Jackson

  4.   fourminipups Says:

    Sweet baby – those things are just not much fun. Our vet also had us keep prednisone on hand as it will bring the swelling down even quicker than the benadryl and can be mixed with it.

    Give him a hug from me and keep us updated.

    Luanne and Spirit Shooter

  5.   snoop Says:

    Poor baby having such a tough go. Hopefully this will all reconcile as quickly as possible and get him back on track.

    Esther and Snoop

  6.   tracyintacoma Says:

    It’s best Jonty is at full strength when the little guy has his surgery, so kudos to the vet for rescheduling for a bit later in the week. Keep updating us on that darn swelling.
    Tracy & AngelBop

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