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Jonty has been admitted to hospital today – his symptoms have worsened again. Swelling, salivating and extreme lethargy. He declined pretty steeply while we were in the vet’s office – his balance was off and he seemed quite distressed.

The vet suspects there may be a neurological condition at play, but she has taken blood and sent it off to the lab. They hope to have news for us tomorrow afternoon. I am heartbroken for this little guy – he has had such a rough start to life.

September 4, 2013.     Category: Uncategorized.   7 Comments.

7 Responses to “Update”

  1.   benny55 Says:

    Come on Jonty! Lets get you all perked up, okay? You’re just too cute to have to deal with all these “issues”!

    Did he have any temperature? Is this still related tl that Infection or “bite”? Did they give him anything…fluids…anything?

    Gosh, we are keeping all paws crossed over here! Give us an update as soon as you can!

    Lots of hugs to you!! We are here for you! Sending all sorts of healing energy to Jonty!


    Sally and Happy Hannah

  2.   Dakota Dawg Says:

    He is such a cute little guy and has had some bad luck, and I do hope they can set him right. I had one of those dogs with a miserable childhood who turned around and had a wonderful life (my tripawd Dakota) so I will always cheer for the underdog.

    Please keep us posted on what’s up with little Jonty.


  3.   jerry Says:

    Oh no Jonty! We hope this isn’t serious and you are getting better with every minute. Please keep us posted OK? We are thinking of you!

  4.   fetchon3 Says:

    Oh no! Please continue to keep us posted. Poor guy. We’re pullin’ for ya, Jonty!
    ~ Katy & Jackson

  5.   roxiesmom Says:

    Sending healing thoughts to sweet little Jonty.

    -Liz and Roxie

  6.   fourminipups Says:

    Sending the very best healing thoughts your way. Come on little guy and fight this darn old thing that’s making you feel so bad. Everyone here is cheering for you.

    Luanne & Spirit Shooter

  7.   Christine Says:

    I am sending mega good healing vibes from across the computer.. .right now… and now.. and again.. and now.. and again…
    Get better Jonty..

    and again… and again….

    Christine….. with Franklin in her heart ♥

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