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Jonty’s journey begins

On his second night with us, Jonty loves his new squirrel!

On his second night with us, Jonty loves his new squirrel!

I would like to introduce little Jonty.  He is 6 months old, and his breed is…anyone’s guess!

Jonty is a rescue dog, saved from a pound in Kalgoorlie by Desperate for Love Dog Pound Rescue.  He made his journey to Perth by car on Friday the 23d of August, and spent his first night with a temporary carer before coming home with us on Saturday August 24th.

My husband, Adam, and I were immediately in love with this little mite.  He is the ninth dog we have fostered – but the first puppy!  We also immediately noticed that something was not quite right with little Jonty’s front leg.

Jonty spent his first day with us playing with our two dogs – he keeps up well, despite his leg (aside from the odd stumble and fall).  Alby (18 months) is the ‘baby’ of our forever family, and having a puppy around is very new to him indeed!  They have hit it off (most of the time) although Alby is slightly jealous when little Jonty gets mummy cuddles!  The evening came, and this saw Jonty traveling once again, this time to the vet for a health check.  The vet immediately noticed Jonty’s paw, and recommended x-rays.

X-rays were taken on Sunday, and Adam and I were ushered into the vet’s little back office.  “It’s not good news,” she told us, and proceeded to show us a picture of the bones in Jonty’s healthy left leg in comparison to his right.  It seems that little Jonty had suffered an accident of some sort early in his life, and his bones have fused and grown in such a way that he has no elbow joint at all.  “We can’t save the leg – there is just nothing there to work with,” the vet tells us.  They are going to have to amputate Jonty’s leg – it will cause him more pain and trouble as he grows.

And so now I am waiting to hear back from Desperate for Love and the vet, so I can book the little fellow in for his surgery – and I thought the toilet training would be tricky!  It is the first time I will have seen a dog through major surgery, and I am a little apprehensive.  But I know that the rescue community will support me, my husband will be amazing (even though he calls me a crazy-dog-lady) and Jonty will be a joy to have in my life.

Goals for Jonty

So the journey begins…





August 27, 2013.     Category: Uncategorized.   8 Comments.

8 Responses to “Jonty’s journey begins”

  1.   benny55 Says:

    Jonty, you define “cute adorable, precious….” and on and on!

    Holy moly you just melt hearts!

    Navigate the site, download Jerry’s books and you will kknow everything you need to in order to raise a healthy, fit and strong tripawd.

    Applause to you for helping this little fella’ to know what love and happiness feel like. I have a feeling once you see how remarkably resilient Jonty is after surgery and what a brave little fighter is ……well…..hmmmmm….Alby, you just may have a permanent playmate! i’m just saying……….

    Look forward to more updates and more pictures too! Alby and your other pup too!

    Thanks for all you’re doing to nelp Jonty. You are very kind and obviousy have a huge and compassinate heart,

    Hugs and gratitude to you!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  2.   joheartsdogs Says:

    Thanks Sally and Hannah!
    Alby already has a big forever sister, and while hubby is very tolerant of my dog obsession, he may draw the line at three 🙂

    I try and stay in the mindset that I am pet-sitting Jonty – I just don’t know who his owners are yet. But so far, I am pretty certain they will have one or two small kids, a nice big yard and a fur-sibling for our little man! (I’m not fussy ;P)

    Thanks for your reassuring remarks – I really appreciate the support at this stage.

    Jo x

  3.   fourminipups Says:

    Welcome Jonty and Family-

    Whatever your mix, it is absolutely unique and adorable. It just makes me want to cuddle you! I am so sorry about your leg, but you are so young you probably won’t even know that having four legs is the norm. I’m pretty sure the rest of your pack will have an
    extremely hard time keeping up with you.

    Hang in there, the first couple of weeks home are the hardest dueto recovery from major surgery and the pain meds. Each day you will start to see the puppy you love and he will be so happy to not be in pain. We are sending you all the pawsitive thoughts possible and can’t wait to see more pictures of Jonty and the whole family!

    There is a lot of information on this site to help you through this new adventure. As I front amp, I always recommend an elevated dish although since he is a puppy you might have to get taller ones as he grows! Also, lots of rugs to put down on hard floors as slippery just doesn ‘t work so well for a tripawd.

    Take care and keep us updated.

    Luanne & Shooter

  4.   kdmilazzo Says:

    Oh how cute! Who could resist that little guy. I don’t think my babies were ever that tiny. He will do fabulous on three. It’s amazing how quick even the big guys recover. He’ll never miss it.

  5.   Christine Says:

    How could you…………….not fall in love with THOSE EARS!!!!! oh my!! I am sure he is part shepard.. part lab.. and part bat or gremlin!!!!
    When I read your post, I have to say that I hope that you meant the leg will give him more pain as he grows and not the amputation.??
    Dogers do amazing with an amputation, they adjust so quick it makes our heads spin!! They just don’t realize that they are missing an appendage!!
    The good thing in this little bundle of cuteness’ case is that it has nothing to do with that damn “C” word!! He should have a great life on three for a long tie!!!!
    Keep us posted.. we are all thinking of you!!

    Bark atcha later!

  6.   Christine Says:

    *time.. not tie.. geesh.. dang fingers!!

  7.   jerry Says:

    Jonty, you make my heart melt! We are so glad you joined so we can be here to help you through the recovery, but something tells me you won’t need much help. I have a feeling you’ll be right back to puppy living in no time!

    We will be thinking of you, please keep us posted on how the surgery goes OK?


  8.   fetchon3 Says:

    Awwwww. Jonty is SO cute! It’s going to be an interesting journey, but you’ll be even closer for it. I’m glad you found us…if not so you can get help and ideas, but for all of us to follow precious, cute Jonty!
    ~ Katy & Jackson

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